I just wanted to notify you, dear reader, of a few changes I’ve made here on my humble little blog.  Being that this blog is my own name sake, I want to focus on family and my personal achievements. Ideally, this will be a forum where I can share my inspirations as I document my creative and professional growth in business and photography.  

One of the biggest changes is the removal of about half of the post that were published here.  I’ve decided to move some of my more controversial articles to another blog devoted to opinion where, from now on, I will be publishing my more opinionated writing: http://hasiteveroccurredtoyouthatyoumightbewrong.wordpress.com/ 

Meanwhile, I will use this space to continue to discuss my wife and kids, Apple computers, the Mac OS, photography and anything else I find inspirational or amusing from day to day.  Right now, I think we can all draw a great deal of inspiration from John McCain’s historic selection of Sarah Palin as his Presidential running mate.  As the current Governor of Alaska, a state that is directly threatened and deals with infiltration by Russian Navy almost daily, she has more international experience than the front runner of the opposing ticket.

Anyway, it’s getting late as I write this.  I’ve got to turn in, the kids start school on Tuesday and we need all the sleep we can get.

Until next post…