I love the lighting in this shot.

I was hired as the official photographer of the Topanga Film Festival. These girls were selling candy to raise money for victims of the earthquake in Haiti. They really made those outfits look great.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

A truly amazing documentary shot and edited by one man with a single camera embedded with 8th Marines, Echo Company, Second Batallion during the summer of 2009.


I can’t wait for this filmmaker to release the finished product.

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Is the rich-hued Kodachrome era fading to black? – Yahoo News

I have been privileged to have shot a few rolls of Kodachrome in my life and I can say that there is an organic warmth to the transparencies that is nearly impossible to duplicate with digital capture systems.  You can see some of the legacy by looking at Kodachrome products available from Amazon.

Among the top results available, at the time of this writing, we find over 2,000 books available on the subject and Paul Simon isn’t the only musician to record a musical tribute to the venerable film format.  Anyone from the pre-internet era will be instantly familiar with the signature combination of warmth and detail that was captured in the pages of National Geographic with Kodachrome as the film of choice for their award winning staff photographers.

If you have any stacks of old Kodachrome slides, gathering dust somewhere, you might want to make sure they are protected because they are about to become, quite literally, irreplaceable.

According to this article, Amazon’s imdb.com allowing free film, TV viewing – Yahoo! News we will soon be able to view over 6,000 titles for free on Amazon’s “Internet Movie DataBase” at http://www.imdb.com/

A quick look at the imdb homepage shows no mention of this big move, which would pose a definite threat to the entertainment industry.  There is also no mention of the story on Amazon’s front page, so it is interesting to see this being reported by  Reuters.

The article even claims that some of the new fall shows will air on the IMDB website before they premiere on traditional broadcast networks.

There is no mention of wether these programs will be for subscribers only or supported by advertisers, but I think, with this announcement, it is safe to say the IPTV revolution is in full force.