September 2008

Tonight and tomorrow the world celebrates the day that G-d gave all mankind a divine soul and the counting of the 5769th new year since Adam and Eve were born.

Rosh Hashanah in a Nutshell – Rosh Hashanah 

L’shana tova (happy new year) to all children of Adam and Eve. (8^D

Is the rich-hued Kodachrome era fading to black? – Yahoo News

I have been privileged to have shot a few rolls of Kodachrome in my life and I can say that there is an organic warmth to the transparencies that is nearly impossible to duplicate with digital capture systems.  You can see some of the legacy by looking at Kodachrome products available from Amazon.

Among the top results available, at the time of this writing, we find over 2,000 books available on the subject and Paul Simon isn’t the only musician to record a musical tribute to the venerable film format.  Anyone from the pre-internet era will be instantly familiar with the signature combination of warmth and detail that was captured in the pages of National Geographic with Kodachrome as the film of choice for their award winning staff photographers.

If you have any stacks of old Kodachrome slides, gathering dust somewhere, you might want to make sure they are protected because they are about to become, quite literally, irreplaceable.

Our deepest sympathies and solemn gratitude goes out to the friends and family of Capt. Bruno de Solenni who was killed by an IED on saturday while deployed from the Oregon National Guard to help train Afghanistan soldiers.  This story was reported to our local news paper,, by the father of Capt. de Solenni, local attorney Mario de Solenni.  Capt. Solenni’s service has come to the communities attention through letters he’s written home and had published in the local paper and a front page story published Sept. 6th.

As it is written: “One thing I ask from G-d; one thing do I seek – that I may stay in the divine presence all the days of my life, envision delight, and contemplate G-d’s presence.”

Thanks to G-d and the service of brave men and women, like Captain Bruno de Solenni, we have the privilege of spending one more day above ground, envisioning “delight,” and contemplating the presence of our Creator.  To truly honor their sacrifice we must each wake up and get to work ensuring that the job they’ve made the ultimate sacrifice for gets done and done right.

So, the New York Times had a very good explanation about how the big investment firms screwed up and helped put the global markets into their current state.  It looks like the whole thing boils down to computer operator error. Yep, investment companies had account executives who were misusing their risk management software that was designed to warn them when a particular investment was about to go under.

How Wall Street Lied to Its Computers – Bits Blog –

All I can say after reading it is, finally a rational analysis that explains the cause of our current financial crisis and puts the responsibility right where it belongs, on the shoulders of the people who work the markets and their failure to properly operate their own risk management software.

I hope I have the wisdom to avoid similar mistakes in my own endeavors.  G-d willing, we will all learn some valuable lessons from this financial disaster that will help us improve our world.

According to this article, Amazon’s allowing free film, TV viewing – Yahoo! News we will soon be able to view over 6,000 titles for free on Amazon’s “Internet Movie DataBase” at

A quick look at the imdb homepage shows no mention of this big move, which would pose a definite threat to the entertainment industry.  There is also no mention of the story on Amazon’s front page, so it is interesting to see this being reported by  Reuters.

The article even claims that some of the new fall shows will air on the IMDB website before they premiere on traditional broadcast networks.

There is no mention of wether these programs will be for subscribers only or supported by advertisers, but I think, with this announcement, it is safe to say the IPTV revolution is in full force.

Okay, so my kids came across this website called where you can collect eggs and raise your very own brood of dragons, or would it be called a “clutch?”  Hm, what does one call a group of dragons, anyway?

The catch is, to get your dragons to hatch you have to get people to click on them.  Of course, this puts the youngest aspiring dragon breeders at distinct disadvantage.  She just doesn’t have the network of friends the older girls do and she’s had to watch as every egg she’s managed to get has died without hatching for the last few weeks while her older sister’s eggs were hatching.

So, I decided to implore the general internet public and dear readers to help my little girl hatch her dragons by clicking these links:

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

The hatchling dragons need some love too so click on them or they will all DIE!!!


You don’t want a little girl’s dragons to DIE do you?!?!?

LOL, just kidding.  Thanks in advance for all of your clicks and if you decide to get some dragons of your own be sure to email me so we can click on your eggs too.